Get to Know Me

I am Mark Kassner, I am 68 years of age, and trust my courses will impart what I have learnt and compiled during this time. This includes launching Colgate conditioner as a marketing manager, a top level of sales success in Life Assurance, and significant sales success of a Vat Recovery service to major corporates.
Life is constantly changing and evolving and so is technology. However with the advance of technology we are now connecting less with others and focusing more on “doing” than “being”. Personal and interpersonal skills are perceived to be less important and receiving less of our attention.
Dip. Mkt. Man. A.I.M.M
Certified Coach (UCT)
Certified Mental Game Coaching Professional
My Passion
I designed, marketed, and facilitated an Emotional Fitness Course in 1994 by compiling the work of specialists and psychologists. I later added a Card and Board Game to my offering called “PERSPECTIVE”. My course and card and board game were supported and enjoyed by many South African corporates.
I am Certified as a Mental Game Coaching Professional by Dr Patrick Cohn of Peak Performance Sports, I have a Marketing Management Degree, I am certified as a Corporate Coach and have further attended a Dale Carnegie Human Relations course, a Face-to Face Selling Skills course, a Train-the-Trainer course, and a Social Styles course. I look forward to our time together and trust you will benefit greatly from my courses.
Mark Kassner
” Although I have acquired a variety of skills over my lifetime, the most empowering and rewarding is to ignite possibilities in the many people that are out there, and help them pass this on too. Everyone wins!! “
We all have unique personal circumstances, and to be content and balanced, regardless can be quite a challenge.
I have developed and compiled 5 courses to help improve personal and interpersonal skills.